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We are a international corporation located in Berlin and Singapore. Rich on knowledge and fast in analyzing we act with high flexibility and efficiency. All our solutions are customized to your needs. Our focus is in individual coaching for people living in a foreign country. We like to provide you with a worldwide holistic support in different phases. Please contact us for a first discussion.

design your life
boost your business
go for excellence




your business


from Asia to Europe

Are you an Asian company working with European suppliers?

We help you negotiate better terms and conditions for your yearly agreements and projects.


Would you like to expand to European markets? We help you define your market entry strategy and support you during the first steps of establishing a position in the market.


You want to go to Europe? We prepare you with intercultural training to avoid mistakes and frustration.


from Europe to Asia

You are a European company, which would like to expand to Asia? But the Asian market seems too complex and too far away for you? We offer you support in market research and defining routes to market. With us your company and products will be positioned in the right way. We negotiate the first deals for you. With our support it is easy to set up company in Asia and to build a local team.


You want to send one of your staff from Europe to Asia? We support him/her through our expat coaching.



You are an established company but somehow want to grow further? Our workshops inspire your teams for new ideas and give a different perspective to their daily work routine. We increase efficiency and create appreciation within the team members.


free consultation


We conduct sales trainings to your team or sell your products, ideas and services for you on a commission basis.


This gives you the opportunity to start sales in developing markets without fixed costs. You can focus on your main markets and other targets while we take care of sales.




Have you just started your own business? Or are you planning to start your own business?


With our entrepreneur coach you are never alone. You have someone to rely on if you are stuck or lost or need someone to cheer up. We offer personal and business support in goal mapping, business plan set up, organizational set up, team training, sales training, work-life-balance, value setting, etc.


Our entrepreneur coaching is customized to you, your business and your needs.


We even support you to pitch to potential customers and investors.


We are there when you need us. Our wide network is open for you to connect you to the right people when you need it.

Annika Harloff, CEO & Life Coach




Annika helped me plan my next career move. I was caught on crossroads of my career path and she helped me chart a rational course and find direction.

She is analytical, detailed and well structured and her approach is to felicitate a candidate's thinking so that he or she can build his own decision making process.

I recommend Annika to you in case you are seeking someone who can assist you in your career goals.


head of brands for luxury goods, age 35, from India

It is an indulgence to listen to you. Your wide knowledge, personal analysis, focus and persistence was key to my success!

Like a good dentist you found immediately the afferent nerve and treated it with the right tools.

The pain was punctual and limited. Now I can enjoy sweets again.


Media consultant, age 52, from Germany



This coaching was a game changing experience for my career. 

Annika helped me to not only determine, but also to reach out and achieve my professional life goals. The investment was worth it and already paid out in success.


bachelor of arts student,

age 19, from Germany


You are such an energetic and dynamic lovely young lady,

showing a strong drive and personality, highly professional

and knowledgeable in your field of expertise.


dutch retired national, ex- international volleyball player NLD, ex-national volleyball coach AHO, living in China

Beautiful Girl Playing with Mobile
World Peace


You need a temporary solution to replace your sales director? We jump in and full fill the gap until you find a replacement.


You need someone to initiate change or lead a temporary project? We initiate the change you want.



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